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How to Virtually Mentor in the Construction Industry


Updated on February 7, 2024

In the construction industry, sharing knowledge and mentoring new talent are essential to ensure a wave of succession and to promote the industry. Given this perspective, virtual mentorships prove to be a promising solution. On account of technological breakthroughs and the onset of custom platforms, you can now benefit from remote expert advice. 

This article will provide insight into the benefits of virtual mentorship programs within the construction industry and useful tips to jumpstart an effective mentorship program.

Benefits of Virtual Mentorships in the Construction Industry

Source: Canva

Highly Accessible

One of the main advantages of virtual mentoring is the overall accessibility of the service. Courtesy of custom online platforms such as Réseau Mentorat and Elo Mentoring, you can now join a network of experienced mentors from around the world. Doing so allows apprentices to benefit from expert knowledge that would otherwise not be available to them. Furthermore, mentees can receive advice at any time, breaking down any of the traditional geographical hurdles or time zone dilemmas.


Virtual mentoring offers great flexibility for both mentors and mentees. Individuals looking to share their experiences and expertise can do so on their own time, based on their availabilities, significantly facilitating their commitment. Moreover, those coming up in the industry can choose their mentors based on their specific needs, areas of expertise, and interests.

Broad Network

One of the main assets of virtual mentoring is the possibility of extending one’s professional network. Thanks to this type of mentoring, apprentices can connect with construction industry professionals around the world, broadening their horizons on new perspectives and opportunities. Virtual mentors can also connect their mentees with other experts, exposing them to a wider network of professionals. 

Cost- and Time-Effective

Virtual mentoring is a significant cost- and time-effective solution. Travelling to meet up with a mentor can often be a costly and time-consuming endeavour, especially in the construction industry, where worksites are spread from here to there. Courtesy of virtual mentorship programs, there’s no need to physically leave your home to learn, allowing for effective time and cost management. Furthermore, mentoring sessions can be planned according to the availability of both parties, avoiding travel-related wastes of time.

How to Kickstart a Virtual Mentoring Program

Source: Canva

To launch a virtual mentoring program in Quebec, follow the guidelines listed below.

Define Your Purpose

Clearly state the purpose of the virtual mentoring program. What are you looking to accomplish by setting up this program? For example, you may want to help the younger generation of contractors develop their business skills. 

Market Research

Conduct a market study to understand the needs of potential participants. It’s important to identify the specific needs of mentees. Every apprentice has different expectations and goals, and it’s essential to adapt mentoring accordingly. To do so, evaluation tools can be used to determine the skills that need developing and the areas in which mentees are looking for mentorship. 

Establish a Budget

Establish a realistic budget for your virtual mentoring program. You can look into financing, subsidies, or partnerships to financially support your program. 

Find Qualified Mentors

Find potential mentors with valuable construction industry experience. You have to find industry professionals who are renowned for their expertise and experience, ensuring the quality of the advice provided to mentees. To do so, different niche online mentoring platforms can be used, such as Réseau Mentorat or Elo Mentoring.

Recruit Participants

Put together a recruitment process to select virtual mentoring program participants. Share it on social media, professional websites, and educational institutions to engage eager applicants.

Set Up Virtual Mentoring Sessions

Use online communication tools such as Zoom, Skype, or Microsoft Teams to organize virtual mentoring sessions. Make sure to establish a strong structure and have clear goals for each session.

Monitor the Progress

Follow up regularly with participants and mentors to monitor the virtual mentoring program’s progress and efficiency. Also, request feedback from participants to initiate improvements where fine-tuning needs may be.

Assess the Results

At the end of the program, assess the results based on fixed goals. Compile the feedback received from participants and mentors to ensure the program’s impact, and use it to bring change and continuous improvement to your program.

Virtual Mentoring: A Pathway to Professional Success and the Revival of the Construction Industry

Virtual mentoring in the construction industry offers numerous benefits for both mentees and mentors on account of several reasons. Thanks to technology, we can now benefit from remote expert advice, which facilitates accessibility to all, schedule flexibility, and broadening one’s professional network. To kickstart a virtual mentoring program, you have to first put together a network of experienced mentors, identify the needs of mentees, and regularly request feedback. Virtual mentoring is a genuine way to ensure a wave of succession and promote the construction industry.

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